Time to make your business shine at a Global Level  during the PARIS 2024 Olympic Games 



Great Deal ! 1252 € VAT inc -3 days instead of the Basic  pack - 4320€ VAT inc

Come and promote your Brand in this exceptional setting where the whole world has come together! Increase your Visibility on an international scale while taking part of this event , in one place and in on an exceptional venue

Kindly note that stall booking during the Olympics are none refundable so when deciding to share your stall, make sure to have stall mates before paying !

UK and German Customers you can enjoy paying in multiple installments


Willing to experience the 2024 Olympics Global Business Expo and continue to pay later ?

It is now possible with the official Financial Partner – PAYPAL

Please, if willing to pay in multiple installments,  make sure  the amount does not exceed 2000 GBP and   pay with your usual personal Paypal account - Not the professional one

Just before clicking on "complete purchase", scroll to the bottom of the page and select the payment option in multiple installments.
If having some trouble in succeeding paying in multiple installments – kindly contact your UK Paypal customer service 02 03 90 17 000

You give a Masterclass - 45 min - to promote your expertise and your offer internationally - We mobilize participants for you ! This option is also payable in multiple installments


Secure your  Payments on this website

 Reimbursement Conditions 

Please note that no Refunds will be possible, for booking from 100 days  before the Olympics

The fact that you purchase this service constitutes your agreement with the present conditions presented to you

Thank you for your interest in our services, the fact of purchasing them constitutes agreement to our GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE  Conditions available here

This website is registered at the CNIL under number 2010812v0 and complies with the Data Protection Act. To contact us  contact@adges.fr